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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Command Prompt Tips & Tricks

Command Prompt Tips & Tricks

Showing Long and Short Filenames 

Type the following code on Cmd  
/B - Shows only the long filename, no details.
/Z - Shows the short filename, with details.
/B /Z - Shows only short filename, with no details.

DOS Command History

If u want to recall previous commands, use the up arrow key.
A complete list of previous commands can be shown if you press the F7 key.
Press F9 and enter the number of the command you want to use in the past.
For clearing the cache, press Alt+F7.

Changing a File's Date and Time Stamp

You can change the Date and Time stamp of a file to the current setting.
Type this code in cmd: COPY filename /B + ,, /Y .

Removing the Microsoft Copyright from a DOS Prompt

To open the Command Promt Press Windows Start Button + R. By default, when you open a DOS window, the Microsoft Copyright notice shows. To disable it, add the /K switch in the Program tab

Type this in cmd C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM /k .

Setting the Number of Lines in a DOS Window

To set the number of lines displayed in the DOS window  when you opened:
Create a shortcut for the MS-DOS Prompt
Right click on it
Select Properties
Click on the Program tab
In the Batch file:, line enter mode con: lines=xx (where xx is the number of lines you want displayed)
Valid numbers for xx are 25 or 43.

Starting DOS Fast

U would like to start DOS fast outside of the START button? Drag it to your desktop first.
U Want to start it even more FASTER without the mouse?
Change the shortcut properties of the DOS icon to something unique, like Ctrl-Alt-Z.
Then to start DOS from within Win95/98?/NT just enter C-A-Z and poof! it's there.
If you toggle away, and hit the shortcut sequence again, you'll get the "old" DOS box, not a new one.

Long Filenames in a DOS Box

More long filenames in DOS paths...
You don't need the close double quote when entering long folder names in DOS.
CD "\program files
you can type like this it will works as well as
CD "\program files"
You can use long file names in a MS DOS Box.
All you have to do is pu the long file name in quotes.

Type the code : cd "program files".

Expanding Full Path or File Name NT 4.0 Only

Expand full path/file name with defined char using Command Prompt in Win NT 4.0
You can expand the full name of a file or directory using a character of your choice.
Close all Command Prompts
Start the Registry Editor
Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
If not present, add Key: CompletionChar
If you like to use TAB-Key for expand: set value (REG_SZ): "9"
You can test it:
By Open up a DOS window

Type: CD (followed by TAB)
The first available directory will appear
Press TAB again, the next one will appear
The same can be done with the DIR command.

Adding a New DOSKEY to your DOS Window

One way to have DOSKEY available when you open a DOS window in that a AUTOEXEC.BAT file is there. This takes away conventional memory, even when you don't have a DOS window open.
The only way to use DOSKEY is when you open a DOS window :

Right click on your DOS shortcut
Select Properties
Click on the Program tab
Add DOSKEY > NUL to the Batch File field
You can also add /INSERT if you prefer.

How to Detect DOS Error Codes

If you want to see what type of error codes are being generated by DOS programs,
start your DOS session with the addition of a /Z parameter to the COMMAND.COM program.

Changing Directories in DOS

Normally, you can move up one directory level by typing CD ..
The DOS with Windows95 allows you to continue moving up beyond the first directory by simply adding more periods

For example, to move up two levels, type CD.

Entering Long Paths in a DOS Window

If you want to enter a long path and program name in a DOS window,
Open up the Explorer
Go to the folder you want
Drag it to the DOS window
The path will be automatically inserted into the window
This is useful with the long path names and all the ~'s you would normally need to type.
If you need to change directories, type in the CD before you drag the directory.

Using DOS Programs Prompt for Input

When you normally create a shortcut for a DOS program, it does not prompt you for any input and just runs the program
To change that, simply add a ? after the program name in the CMD field.

For ex:
will start the DOS editor and prompt you for a file name to edit.

Verbose Directory Listing

Find out your free memory and other useful info in detail:
Open a DOS box
Go to the directory that is about specific info you want to get ,or if you just want to see memory info go to any directory .
Type DIR /V
The /v argument stands for "verbose".
All sorts of Valuable information comes up.

Easy way to open up DOS prompt in a specific directory

With the advent of long directory names, it can be difficult to open up a DOS box.  CD is used to get the directory you want particularly if it is several layers of long names deep.

An easy way is that :

Open up Explorer and highlight the directory you want to be in
Select Run / Command from the Start Menu
Your DOS prompt will now be in the directory you highlighted in Explorer

Tags : Cmd Commands, Cmd Tricks, Cmd Tips Showing Long and Short Filenames, DOS Command History, Changing a File's Date and Time Stamp, Removing the Microsoft Copyright from a DOS Prompt, Setting the Number of Lines in a DOS Window, Starting DOS Fast, Long Filenames in a DOS Box, Expanding Full Path or File Name NT 4.0 Only, Adding a New DOSKEY to your DOS Window, How to Detect DOS Error Codes, Changing Directories in DOS, Entering Long Paths in a DOS Window, Using DOS Programs Prompt for Input, Verbose Directory Listing, Easy way to open up DOS prompt in a specific directory.


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